It's been an interesting winter season for parts of the country that have been sucked into the
polar vortex. For hearing aid users battling winter and for
hearing aid wearers basking in the sunshine, read on for five ways to protect hearing aids from debilitating cold and heat.
Hearing Aid Care: Wear your headgear (and hearing aids)
No, not those dorky nighttime retainers – we’re talking hats, scarfs and earmuffs! Make sure you cover up your ears when heading out. Not only will your ears be grateful, but your hearing aids will be too, as they will be less susceptible to damage from outside conditions such as harsh winds and rain. If you fear that your hearing aid has gotten wet, remove the batteries immediately and store the hearing aid in a
Dry-Aid Kit if possible.
Hearing Aid Care: Dry batteries are a hearing aid's best friend
Those little
zinc wonders can be persnickety sometimes. Make sure you get the right size battery, don’t peel off the sticker until you need to insert it, and keep the battery away from excessive heat and cold. Also, it’s always helpful to make sure the battery compartment is free of moisture every night before turning your hearing aid off by removing the batteries and wiping the compartment with a dry, warm cloth.
Hearing Aid Care: Don’t sweat it
Any hearing aids that are
behind-the-ear are susceptible to humidity resulting from perspiration, which can be damaging for the hearing aid. Invest in
hearing aid sweatbands to reduce the exposure of not just moisture, but dirt and dust.
Hearing Aid Care: Hang tight
When warmer weather comes around, so do the fun outdoor activities. What’s not so fun is the risk of having your hearing aid fall off when those outdoor activities get a little too active. To help mitigate this fear,
SafeNSound has snazzy retention products for hearing instruments to help hold them in place when the going gets tough.
Hearing Aid Care: Bye-bye moisture
Buzzfeed has declared “moist” to be the
worst-sounding word and it turns out your hearing aids don’t like moisture either! To keep your hearing aid moisture-free in the warmer months and to extend the life of your device, try a
hearing aid dehumidifier. Run it overnight while you’re sleeping to have a ready-to-go, moisture-free hearing aid in the morning.
by Esther Shasho