With summer quickly approaching, and more people getting vaccinated, you might be thinking about a vacation! While we are thrilled to see so many from our Audicus community out and about again, we want to remind you it is never a good idea to take a vacation from your hearing health.
Whether you are planning a much-needed summer get-away, or simply looking forward to the warmer weather, summer holidays are one of the most important times to be proactive in following healthy hearing practices. After all, to get back to the life you love, you’ll want to be hearing at your best.
According to Healthy Hearing, if you are planning on spending time at a pool or beach, here are a few tips and tricks to ensure you are protecting your ears:
- Try and keep your ears as dry as possible - this can be done by using a bathing cap, earplugs, or custom-fit earmolds when swimming
- Make sure to dry your ears thoroughly after swimming or showering
- The best practice, even though it may be difficult, is to try and refrain from putting objects in your ears such as cotton-tip, swabs, or fingers
- Lastly, leave earwax alone. While it may be gross, it actually acts as protection against infection
- Damaged microphones and receivers
- Corrosion of battery contact point