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hearing aid accessories

Best Hearing Aid Accessories

Kristen Knight, LHIS

August 18, 2022

Updated: November 15, 2024

The best hearing aid accessories focus on three factors: cost, function, and quality. Find out which hearing aid accessory is right for you.

Choosing the Best Hearing Aid Accessories for You  

Hearing aid accessories come in many different shapes, sizes, and forms. They help boost the performance of your hearing aids. The best hearing aid accessories are high-quality and improve the hearing experience. When choosing a hearing aid accessory, it's best to focus on three main factors: cost, function, and quality. In this blog, we've compiled a list of the most frequently bought hearing aid accessories.

The 6 Most Popular Hearing Aid Accessories

Popular hearing aid accessories tend to be ones that help you extend the life of your hearing aid by practicing hearing care, or improving your listening experience. Next, we discuss the top 6 Hearing Aid accessories that will help you get the most out of your hearing aids.

 #7: Batteries

[caption id="attachment_26276" align="aligncenter" width="165"]6 Loose Hearing Aid Batteries - Size 312 Batteries[/caption]   First, we start with hearing aid batteries. Hearing aid batteries are not only a decent hearing aid accessory, but they are usually a necessary one! Most hearing aids rely on some kind of battery. Different hearing aid batteries have certain advantages including durability, cost, and varying degrees to which they are eco-friendly. Looking for durability and performance? Zinc air batteries are very durable, with each battery lasting up to 10 days.  

 #6: Earwax Guards

[caption id="attachment_128116" align="aligncenter" width="247"]Wax Guards Wax Guards[/caption]   Hearing aid earwax guards are great accessories for keeping your hearing aid clean! They help prevent damage by an accumulation of earwax. If you're looking for convenience, Audicus hearing aid earwax guard orders come with 15 guards, which need to be replaced after 3 months.

#5: Cleaning Brushes

  Hearing aid cleaning brushes are an essential tool. So, why are they so important? Brushes help you keep your hearing aid clean. They come equipped with a soft brush tip end that can clean different parts of a hearing device including the sound port, body, and faceplate.  

 #4: Dehumidifiers

  [caption id="attachment_191100" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Dehumidifier[/caption]   Hearing aid dehumidifiers, also commonly called dry boxes, are perfect for hearing aid users that routinely expose their hearing aids to varying degrees of moisture throughout the day. If you normally go outdoors, live in a humid environment, or perspire frequently then a dehumidifier is a good tool to keep your hearing aids in tip-top shape.

#3: Desiccant 

  [caption id="attachment_90154" align="aligncenter" width="186"]Four Packaged Desiccants Desiccant[/caption]   Hearing aid dehumidifiers use a desiccant to extract moisture from the hearing aid overnight. This desiccant helps prevent water from interacting with the electric and metallic components of the hearing aid.

 #2: Case For Your Hearing Aids

  [caption id="attachment_129900" align="aligncenter" width="239"]Hearing aid case with description of parts Hearing aid case[/caption]   Hearing aid cases are an excellent accessory for keeping your hearing aid safe! Cases protect against moisture, dirt, and dust. You are less likely to lose or break your hearing aid if you have a case. This is because you have a dedicated spot for safe storing. Fortunately, hearing aid cases are affordable. Many cost around $20.  That $20 can save you hundreds or thousands of dollars by not needing to repair or replace a hearing aid that was not stored properly.

#1: Bluetooth Remote

  [caption id="attachment_26269" align="aligncenter" width="171"]Classic Remote Standing Bluetooth Remote[/caption]   Finally, our last accessory on this list are Bluetooth remotes. Bluetooth remotes are relatively recent innovations in the hearing aid world. They control hearing aid volume. As you might expect, they also let you stream from your laptop, television, or smartphone, among others. Audicus Bluetooth packages come with a Bluetooth remote and are equipped with a Bluetooth dock and 2 charging adapters.  

Sources: Healthy Hearing

By: Aaron Rodriques

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