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donnalou - stevens - aging - hearing - loss - age - related - aids

Boomer Bop: Aging Anthems

Kristen Knight, LHIS

April 17, 2015

Updated: December 4, 2024

Most hearing loss is age related, but our ears aren't the only body part to age. Here are some of the best anthems to welcome and celebrate the aging process.

As we age, our bodies can put up a bit of a challenge. Much of this has to do with one’s shifting internal physiology: higher blood pressure, aching muscles, and of course, hearing loss. Though 30% of people over 60 do suffer from some form of hearing impairment (caused by deterioration of the inner ear), 100% of us notice a real shift in our physical appearances. We may feel like the same old “us” on the inside, but our “outsides” begin to tell a completely different story. Fortunately, singer/songwriter and viral sensation, Donnalou Stevens, is offering an incredibly empowered way to reframe the conversation about our aging bodies. In her hit song, “Older Ladies,” which has garnered over 9 million views on Youtube, Donnalou reminds us that [though] “My thighs kinda jiggle when I giggle or wiggle / if that’s the reason you don’t love me / then maybe that’s not love.” Preach it, sister! Suffering from chronic pain most of her life, Donnalou turned to meditation and art as a way to heal herself, taking her hardships and turning them into something truly positive. “I thought I was just putting out this little song,” says Donnalou, 55, “but I get to be the voice of empowerment. What a privilege and an honor.” And that “little song,” now a worldwide phenomenon, only took her a mere 30 minutes to write. As they say, “when inspiration strikes!” [embed][/embed] Though DonnaLou puts a modern spin on the topic, she’s certainly taken a cue from some of the most iconic singers of the Boomer generation. Here’s a few more classic oldies about celebrating age:

1. Neil Young - “Old Man”

I hear ya, Neil! This song really expresses how deeply we desire to be heard, loved, and seen - at any age. Whether you’re 20 or 50, we all struggle with wanting to leave our mark in the world.

2. The Beatles - “When I’m 64”

Originally written as a gift for his father’s birthday, this Beatles hit has become an especially beloved classic. Who doesn’t yearn for someone to grow old with - especially a partner who makes “doing the garden, digging the weeds” a fun task.

3. The Byrds - “Turn, Turn, Turn.”

Everything in its time, right? This is a great jam to remind us to savor every moment andthat wherever we are, well that’s exactly where we’re supposed to be! There’s a time for everything: getting hitched (or not), having kids (or not), our career, retirement, etc. The key is to celebrate every step along the way! So grab some friends, a mic, and make your own anthem about celebrating your age! But don’t forget to wear your Audicus hearing aid - a budding star needs to be able to savor the thunderous applause of her adoring fans!
By: Ariana Seigel

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