If you’re new to wearing hearing aids, you most likely have some questions. Lucky for you, we have the answers! Keep reading to explore some frequently asked questions about hearing aids!
The Completely-in-canal aids are almost impossible for others to see. It is molded to fit your ear canal and goes completely inside your ear, as the name suggests.
A Behind-the-ear aid hooks over the top of your ear and rests behind it. All of the electronic parts are housed in the part that sits behind your ear and sound is routed into your ear canal via a clear tube.
A subtype of Behind-the-ear aids is the Receiver-in-canal hearing aid. This style also sits behind the ear, and a tiny wire connects to a receiver inside your ear canal. Our Clara hearing aid is a Receiver-in-Canal hearing aid, and the Clara model can even connect to your phone, mp3 player, or TV via Bluetooth technology!
Q: How does a hearing aid work?
A: Hearing aids are equipped with tiny microphones that can pick up the sounds around you and convert the sounds to electrical energy. The electrical energy is amplified and sent back to a speaker, which delivers the modified sound to your ear. Hearing aids are now so advanced that they can adjust the sound amplification based on your hearing needs!Q: What different kinds of types of hearing aids are there?
A: There are three basic types of hearing aids: Completely-in-the-canal aids, In-the-ear aids, and Behind-the-ear aids. Amplifiers are non-medical assistive listening devices. Amplifiers are hearing devices that are not medical; they are not personalized to your hearing needs. Instead, they are small devices with a microphone, speaker, and amp that amplify sounds at all frequencies. They are not designed for someone who has hearing loss, but rather, for those who would like additional amplification in specific settings. If you think you have hearing loss, you may want to consider upgrading to a hearing aid that will be specifically programmed by a hearing professional for your personal hearing loss needs.