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Hearing Loss Education

Hearing Loss Education

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Sounds You May Be Missing With Hearing Loss

August 26, 2022

3 min read

Did you know that mild hearing loss begins at a loss of 26 decibels (dB)? Here is a list of ten common sounds that you could be missing due to hearing loss.

Audicus Hearing Aid & Audiology Blog

brain health and hearing aids

Hearing Aids: the Key to Healthy Brain Function? Examining Hearing Loss

August 8, 2022

2 min read

Audicus examines the link between hearing loss and mental disorders, and what can be done to prevent brain atrophy in hearing loss. Hearing aids can help!

Hearing Loss Education


How Loud is Too Loud? Sounds That Cause Hearing Loss

July 12, 2022

3 min read

Audicus reviews the range of safe decibel levels and what noises are too loud. Apps can help determine which noises are loud enough to cause hearing loss.