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Ear Bud PSA: Healthy Hearing Levels

Kristen Knight, LHIS

September 7, 2021

Updated: December 11, 2024

Recently the World Health Organization reported that 1.1 billion people are at risk for hearing loss as a result of ear bud use. Read on to keep your ears safe!

Have you ever wondered whether music and other sound-related activities were causing you to experience hearing loss? Find out how to keep your ears safe in this latest Audicus blog!

Hearing Loss Statistics

Ear buds can have a startling effect on the hearing loss of teens and young adults age 12- 35. In February 2015 the World Health Organization reported that 1.1 billion people are at risk for hearing loss, and this startling statistic comes from the fact that many young people use listening technology such as smartphones and MP3 players at dangerously high sound levels. The different settings that people find themselves in can also be a big factor in hearing loss. Nightclubs, rock concerts and bars can all produce noise levels that damage hearing after extended periods of time.

Managing the Noise

It is best to know what noise levels are dangerous and the amount of time you would have to be exposed to them to sustain hearing damage. 85 decibels, which is the same level of sound made by heavy traffic, is safe for your ears as long as you aren’t exposed to it for more than 8 hours. However, 110 decibels, the same sound level of the average rock concert, can start having negative effects in as little as 90 seconds! Taking 15-minute breaks in between loud noise sessions and wearing earplugs can greatly reduce your chances of sustaining hearing loss. There may be a stigma attached to using earplugs and hearing aids, but as the World Health Organization has pointed out, hearing loss has reached massive proportions and needs to be solved by proper ear protection. Other objects like sunscreen and seatbelts have also been criticized as being “uncool” in the past, but they too offer important safeguards against dangerous circumstances. Young musicians in particular need to wear ear plugs, as they are exposed to loud music on a relatively consistent basis.

How To Protect Your Hearing With New Technology

High-fidelity earplugs adjust sound electronically, so that users can listen to their environment clearly while avoiding ear damage. Earpeace is a company dealing in the manufacturing of high-fidelity earplugs. All in all, simple tips for protecting your hearing include: 1. Exposing yourself to loud noise sparingly It may become a habit to listen to loud music or go to loud environments, but you can reduce your risk for hearing loss by avoiding noisy stimuli. If a certain noise level is making your ears hurt, chances are it isn’t good for you. 2. Using high-fidelity earplugs High-fidelity earplugs are an amazing new piece of technology that allow you to protect your ears without giving up the experience of hearing your surroundings. Be sure to take advantage of them. 3. Switching to non-invasive forms of listening technology  Earbuds can be harmful to your ears in general. Use alternate forms of headphones that don’t actually penetrate the ear and be sure to keep listening devices at a relatively low volume. 4. Taking advantage of noise-measuring apps Are you unsure as to whether your settings are too loud? There are a few apps that can actually gauge the sound level of your environment. Decibel 10th, Too Loud? and dB Volume Meter are just some examples of apps that can be used to measure sound. 5. Schedule regular hearing screenings If you’re still worried that your hearing is compromised after you’ve followed all of the guidelines, are another great way to ensure that you’re being protected. Make an appointment with your local ENT or Audiologist. You can check out our locations page to see if we have hearing aid stores by you. Make sure you ask for a copy of your results! Then send it to us at Audicus we'll be sure to help you find the best fit hearing aid for you!

By: Aaron Rodriques

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