I began my Little League career when I was about six or seven years old. I loved being active as a child, and baseball was the cure for the sporadic and unpredictable energy I exuded. As the spring of my rookie season approached, I was plagued with a problem: I was using my less dominant hand; my left. I saw all of my friends using their right hand and I wanted to be just like them even though it felt clumsy and unnatural. I eventually acquiesced to the use of my left hand, thereby saving my little league career. However, little did I know that predominantly using my left side may not have only made me a better baseball player, but also may have explained my heightened sensitivity to the hierarchical dynamics of little league in general.
According to recent studies, the left and right ear not only process information differently, but process different information differently. The left ear is more responsive to information gained from music, emotion, and intuition, while the right ear respond to speech and logic. This could mean that things you hear in your left ear may be more titillating, evocative, and salacious to the senses, while what you hear in the right may seem more formal and logical.
One study concluded that both men and women are able to accurately identify and remember more than 70 per cent of emotional words like love, kiss and passion with their left ear, while recalling only 58 per cent with the right ear. This also means that if you're a musician, you will be better off using your left ear; musical phrases are recalled and learned more accurately using the left ear as opposed to the right. For parents, this information explains why parents predominantly cradle their young on the left side. By establishing this relationship with the infant's right hemisphere, it opens up a more direct dialogue between parent and child.