While there is no way to fully restore hearing, there are many treatments for hearing loss. Hearing aids, surgery, and cochlear implants can all help to improve your hearing.
Some people prefer to go a more natural route and turn to nutrition for hearing loss help. If you're interested in the benefits of herbs on your hearing health, read along.
The Ginkgo tree is native to Asia and produces large fan-shaped leaves that have been eaten for many centuries. To many, it is considered a natural remedy for hearing loss.
According to WebMD, Gingko can promote better blood circulation, which is important for your entire body, ears included.
Proper blood circulation to your ears keeps everything functioning and keeps your ears at a safe temperature. Ginkgo is also thought to benefit people who suffer from cognitive diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
Can spearmint cure your hearing loss? Not quite, but it's an excellent source of folic acid. Folic acid is integral for ear health, which is why spearmint is considered a hearing superfood.
According to a 2010 study, which followed 126 people aged 60 or older, age-related hearing loss is linked with low levels of folic acid.
Dried spearmint is a fun way to up your folic acid intake—you can use it in desserts or make it into a nice hot tea. Folic acid can also be found in leafy greens, avocados, beets, and beans.
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Zinc is an important nutrient for hearing health. Zinc strengthens the immune system, which can protect against ear infections, and also promotes healthy cell growth in your ears and throughout your body.
Like the other herbs we've mentioned, it won't restore your hearing completely. This is because your outer hair cells, which are important for hearing, don't grow back naturally.
What it can do is help keep your remaining ear cells in tip-top shape. We get zinc through food, but you can also up your zinc intake by eating more dill. Include dill, which contains 0.1mg of zinc per tbsp, into recipes with zinc-rich foods such as spinach.
Top 5 Herbal Cures for Hearing Loss
Below we go over the top five herbs that can promote ear health and possibly stave off hearing loss.1) Gingko Biloba

2) Spearmint

3) Garlic
Has your doctor mentioned that garlic can help with hearing loss? Garlic is proven to hold certain antibacterial properties. While most ear infections that lead to hearing loss are viral-based, garlic can fight infections caused by bacteria. To make the most of garlic’s hearing health benefits, purchase garlic oil from a health food store. You can put the garlic oil directly in the infected ear. If this doesn’t sound ideal, you can also eat raw garlic and get the benefits that way!4) Dill and Zinc