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Putting in new HA

What to expect during your first month with new hearing aids

Kristen Knight, LHIS

June 5, 2019

Updated: December 4, 2024

New hearing aids are exciting but also can be challenging for many people. Here are some common issues you may encounter with your new hearing aids.

Congratulations on your first pair of hearing aids! This exciting step may have taken you a while to take, but it will pay off immediately. Here’s a guide to what to expect during your first month with hearing aids.

Hearing aid fit

The biggest adjustment to your first hearing aids is wearing them every day. You are most likely not used to putting anything inside of your ears, so this may feel a little strange. However, there is a big difference between new experiences and discomfort. Hearing aids are often tailored to your ear, or you purchase rubber or plastic domes that will mold to your ears. These domes should provide a complete seal, allowing for the best hearing possible, while also adding a level of comfort.

You may want to ease into wearing your hearing aids, so think about starting short and adding an extra hour of wear everyday until the process of inserting your hearing aids feels natural. If after a few days of wear you still feel discomfort, you may need to talk to a trained product specialist or audiologist to see if they have any tweaks to make or recommendations.

New hearing aids: Sounds you'll hear

Putting in your hearing aids will not only feel funny, but also it might sound strange too. You won’t be used to hearing sounds amplified; after all, this is the reason you purchased them! Start off by wearing your new devices in a quiet location. This way, you can be sure you are hearing properly without any distractions.

You might hear some feedback at first. This means the volume is too loud or your settings need adjustment. Play around with the settings and volume by yourself, but don’t be afraid to ask for a professional’s help if you think the sound seems off. However, be careful not to tinker too much — constantly adjusting the volume could lead to headaches. There's also the potential to raise the volume too high and cause further damage to your ear.

Another sound issue you may encounter is tinny sounds. When you experience hearing loss in high frequencies, your brain readjusts to listen around these frequencies to provide the most complete hearing possible. When you start wearing hearing aids, your brain has to readjust to those frequencies, resulting in a tinny sound. Start at a low volume and work your way up to avoid this common problem.

Caring for your new hearing aids

Hearing aids are delicate devices that require proper care to ensure they last a long time. When you purchased your hearing aid, you probably thought about whether or not you wanted rechargeable batteries or if you preferred changing them on a regular weekly basis. Know that batteries will be part of general upkeep, so be sure to store them in dry, cool places away from any moisture that could corrode. You can also open the battery door overnight to let it properly air out and dry overnight.

Another common cleaning requirement involves earwax. Take a brush and clear any debris from the tubing or guards so they can continue working. If you have a pair of Audicus hearing aids, you could also use their professional cleaning service to get the longest possible lifespan out of your devices.

By: Diana Michel

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