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Rechargeable hearing aids

Kristen Knight, LHIS

April 1, 2019

Updated: June 23, 2022

The latest and greatest hearing innovation is rechargeable hearing aids! Audicus breaks down why you should make the switch and how to do so with Audicus products.

Are you using traditional batteries to power up your hearing aid? Are you tired of that nagging beep signaling it’s once again time to change the battery?

According to AARP, the average hearing aid battery lasts anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, and even in the most controlled circumstances, it is hard to monitor how long the life will last. This presents a challenge since you never know when you’ll need a replacement.

While the battery does last longer when you care for your devices and remember to open the battery door at night, it seems like there should be a better option. Enter the rechargeable battery!   

Benefits of rechargeable batteries

  1. Cost - There’s no denying that rechargeable batteries are more expensive. At $35 for 1 or $60 for 2, they definitely cost more than the 25 cent batteries you may be used to. However, when you consider how often you need to replace the zinc version, rechargeable batteries end up being cheaper in the long run. The rechargeable option lasts for about a year before they need to be replaced.
  2. Battery life - Hearing Tracker conducted a survey of 510 hearing aid wearers and found that 70% preferred a rechargeable battery to a standard disposable option. The most weighted factor of a preferred battery was the length of life. 85% said it was very important the battery last longer than 1 day. When fully charged, a rechargeable battery often lasts more than 24 hours, meaning you only need to charge them overnight.
  3. Ease of use – Since most rechargeable batteries are charged through a dock, they require less work than changing out small, disposable batteries every few days. There is no fumbling to open the small battery door, there are no tiny screws to find or little buttons to press, and the whole process is smoother. Place your hearing aids in the dock overnight and wake up to a fully charged battery.
  4. Environmentally friendly – Using rechargeable batteries helps to curb waste production. When you think about it, the small disposable batteries add up to mounds of waste every year, and since some of the batteries contain toxic materials, they can become a threat to the environment. Rechargeable batteries bring more green to your wallet and keep the world greener.

Audicus’ rechargeable battery

If you are purchasing your first pair of hearing aid, opt for the upgraded version to ensure you receive the top of the line rechargeable version with a charging case and enjoy your new life away from disposable batteries!

By: Diana Michel

Sources: AARP, Hearing Tracker

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