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age - of - love - senior - dating - hearing - loss

The Age of Love: Hearing Aids and All

Kristen Knight, LHIS

January 4, 2022

Updated: December 4, 2024

On April 30, This film showcases the experiences of a group of 70- to 90-year-olds who take on the daunting task of speed-dating!

On April 30, Audicus hosted a screening of the critically-acclaimed documentary The Age of Love, a beautiful piece brought to life by Steven Loring. His film showcases the experiences of a group of 70- to 90-year-olds who take on the daunting task of-- wait for it-- speed-dating! A bit about the event:

The Age of Love

Steven Loring’s breakthrough documentary brings to light a practice that is often forgotten or disregarded as we age. Inspired by his 78-year-old uncle, a widower who’d found himself suddenly head-over-heels in-love, Loring was struck by the idea of developing romantic relationships in later life. An upcoming speed-dating event for seniors aged 70 to 90 provided him with the perfect opportunity to explore this topic further. Luckily for us, Loring documented the speed-dating event and the resulting romances. This brave group was able to forget about decidedly senior concerns like hearing loss and diabetes management, instead of channeling their energy into ensuring that their crush would take notice! It turns out the ups and downs of dating-- from butterflies in your stomach to the sharp sting of a crush’s rejection-- remain the same whether you are twenty-two or eighty-two.

Stigmas Around Aging Accessories

One man in Loring’s documentary notably remarks that though he likes to be upfront about his health issues, he does not feel that they hold him back. His oxygen tank and hearing aid (!) are simply allowing him to be the best version of himself. The stigma surrounding aging is often compounded by these types of visible medical assistance, like wheelchairs, hearing aids, or canes. This means it is especially important to know that these devices really are there to boost you up, not to bring you down!

The Importance of Fostering Relationships in Old Age

Communication is key in fostering relationships at all ages. Ensuring that your senses are at their keenest is the best tool to lay the groundwork for great, healthy communication-- that’s right, each of your five senses needs some TLC! This includes, among others, hearing aids for your ears. While you may be in great shape to chat, this does not necessarily mean that you are in great shape to listen! Everyone-- especially a potential date-- can appreciate a good listener (particularly one who can actually hear!). If your senses are performing at their best, a future date will appreciate that, and not pay attention to the presence of glasses, hearing aids, oxygen tanks, wheelchairs, orthopedic shoes, and more!

Future Events: Calling All Singles!

We look forward to hosting future events in conjunction with Steven Loring and the Age of Love team. We’re set to host a speed-dating event of our own in the coming months… stay tuned for more details! Email us at if you or someone you know may be interested.
By: Andrea Zielinski, Updated in 2022

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