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Hearing Aids And Moisture During The Summer

Kristen Knight, LHIS

May 2, 2024

Updated: May 24, 2024

Tips for caring for your hearing aids from the heat during the summer months. Learn how to protect your hearing aids from moisture.

There are many wonderful reasons to celebrate summer: warmer weather, longer days, vacation time with friends and family, outdoor activities, and so much more. However, for people who wear hearing aids, the summertime also means some extra maintenance. 

The biggest proponent of hearing aid harm during the summer is moisture. As we are sure you know, moisture is no friend to your hearing device, and during the summer months, moisture can be caused by perspiration, humidity in the air, or splashes of water at the beach or pool.

We want you to enjoy healthy hearing all year round, so you must take care of your hearing aids during these more moisture-heavy months. 

Four Tips To Keep Your Hearing Aids Dry and Protected: 

  1. Dry Your Hearing Aids Overnight: If you suspect your hearing aid hasn’t gotten wet or was exposed to moisture throughout the day, we recommend lightly drying your hearing aid off with a towel and then leaving it to fully dry overnight while you sleep. There are also several different types of electric hearing aid dryers or special containers on the market that use electric drying technology to suck excess moisture out of the hearing aids. 
  2. Leave The Battery Doors Open: Remove the battery and either recycle or throw out the battery. If your battery is wet it can become corroded and cause rust inside the hearing aid. If the battery hasn’t directly gotten wet but you think your hearing aids have been around too much moisture, we suggest taking your battery out overnight and then popping back in once you wake up. 
  3. Disinfect Your Hearing Aids: Aside from the damage moisture can cause to your hearing aids, there is also a chance of bacteria getting caught up in your hearing device. We suggest cleaning your hearing aids with approved hearing aid disinfectant wipes made specifically for these situations. If you visit our Supplies page you can find that Audicus offers a Clean & Care Service where you can have your aids professionally cleaned if you suspect it is needed. 
  4. Keep Your Hearing Aids Secure: If you are spending time outdoors make sure your hearing aids are always either in your ear or in a protective case. Never leave your hearing aids out in the open and unattended. The easiest way to prevent any damage to your aids is to ensure their safety at all times. 

Tips For What Not To Do If Your Hearing Aids Get Wet: 

  1. Never put your hearing aid in a conventional oven or microwave. Although this may seem like a good idea to dry off your hearing aid, it actually may overheat your hearing aid and even cause it to melt on occasion. 
  2. Don’t assume just because you may have gotten your hearing aids wet that they are broken. Give your hearing aids time to dry before assuming the worst. If you do think they need professional assistance, get them sent away for repairs before automatically throwing them out.

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