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Hearing Test
February 20, 2023
7 min read
Why is it that you can hear but can't make out the words being said? Hearing aids help with speech recognition and understanding.
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August 13, 2021
3 min read
Invisible hearing aids: Do they exist? Not quite yet, but technology has been getting closer to virtually invisible hearing aids with each new model.
August 12, 2021
This may seem like an obvious question, but how do you turn on your hearing aid? Find out how to troubleshoot turning on your hearing aids in this blog.
Swimmer’s ear is a medical condition that sometimes results in hearing loss. Tune in to this week’s Audicus blog to find out more!
Hearing aids and sweat: A losing combination. Summertime means more sweating for everyone, but it's important to keep your hearing aids sweat-free.
Hearing loss can be caused by cold weather, and hearing aids can be similarly damaged without the right care. Find out more in this blog.
August 8, 2021
This 4th of July, take a concerted effort to protect and preserve your hearing. Hearing safety around fireworks is especially important.
Questions about adjusting to hearing aids and the steps your brain takes get accustomed to hearing aid use and ensure hearing aid adjustment are discussed here.
2 min read
Audicus debunks ten common myths about hearing aids and hearing loss, including the myth that hearing aid prices are high because the technology is complex.
In 1927, the American Speech Language Hearing Association designated May as the Better Hearing and Speech month-- a perfect time to read about hearing loss!
Lauren Snedeker, LMSW, of Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA), discusses the complex relationship of dementia, hearing loss, and quality of life factors.
Bluetooth is a technology that’s been around for several decades. But how does it work when used in hearing aids?
Hearing aid prices have increased considerably, counter to the decrease in prices for other electronics. Audicus provides cheap, affordable hearing aids.
August 7, 2021
4 min read
It is important to understand hearing aid terminology like hearing aid channels and hearing aid bands to be an informed hearing aid user.
Audicus discusses common myths about hearing aids and hearing loss, including cleaning your ears with cotton swabs and the stigma of wearing hearing aids.
August 6, 2021
5 min read
Hearing aid design has created stylish hearing aids. New hearing aid fashion includes in ear hearing aids, bte hearing aids, and ITC hearing aids.
You may have heard that men and women are predisposed to different medical conditions, but did you also know that men are at a greater risk for hearing loss?
It's no surprise that there are many musicians with tinnitus. Sustained exposure to high levels of sound causes the condition marked by the ringing in your ears. Here are some of the most notable musicians who have opened up about having tinnitus.
August 5, 2021
What causes hearing loss? The are many different culprits that are varied and vast. Find out six major causes of hearing loss in this blog.