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Audicus Blog

Learn about hearing aids and hearing loss from the experts.

Current Events

Woman on computer

Helpful Online Tools For Seniors When You're Housebound Due To Covid-19

March 30, 2020

2 min read

Here is a list of easy-to-use online tools that can help you achieve all of your to-dos from the comfort of your own home.


Rubber gloves fist pumping

Covid-19: Audicus safety and sanitization practices

March 25, 2020

2 min read

In light of the current coronavirus pandemic, we have updated and strengthened our sanitization processes to keep you and your family safe.

Hearing Loss Education

Young woman with hand to ear

Hearing loss before 50: What it can mean

March 25, 2020

3 min read

Imagine someone who needs hearing aids. Do you see them with gray hair, reading glasses, a cane? You might be surprised to learn otherwise.


Woman on iPad

We Loved Hearing From You: Recap From Our Hearing Health Webinar

March 23, 2020

1 min read

Connect and learn through our first free online webinar, with Audicus' head Audiologist and hearing expert, Marianne Cramer, AuD.

Holidays and Hearing

Valentine's - Candy - Hearing - Aids - Communication - Audicus

Hear Your Loved Ones This Valentine's Day

February 13, 2020

3 min read

Hearing loss doesn’t have to get in the way of romance this February 14th. Hearing aids create more meaningful bonds between people by easing communication.

Hearing and Hearing Aid Tips and Tricks

Woman and child

Five Communication Strategies for Loved Ones of People with Hearing Loss

February 13, 2020

2 min read

Audicus explores some communication strategies for your hearing-impaired loved ones: providing a suitable environment, encouraging outgoing behavior, and more.

Hearing Health

Family conversations

Navigating conversations about health with family

February 5, 2020

3 min read

Holidays can be good for tough conversations, when they're approached constructively. Use these tips for positive & effective health talks.

Hearing Loss Education

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Occupational hearing loss: Jobs that risk your hearing

January 12, 2020

3 min read

Occupational hearing loss is hearing loss that occurs in the workplace, and some jobs are much more high-risk than others. See if your job made the list.

Audicus Hearing Aid & Audiology Blog


Pets and hearing aids: Keeping hearing aids safe

January 9, 2020

3 min read

Do you have a dog, cat, or other furry friend running around your home? Here’s how you can keep your hearing aids (and pets) safe.

Holidays and Hearing

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Tips to keep stress levels down during the holidays

December 18, 2019

3 min read

For some, the stress of the holidays can be overwhelming, but if you follow these tips, you can relax a little and enjoy yourself!

Holidays and Hearing


Hearing aid versatility: From the dinner table to holiday movies

December 15, 2019

2 min read

The holidays mean a full social calendar of gatherings with family and friends. Hearing aids can help you maximize your holiday season.