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Audicus Blog

Learn about hearing aids and hearing loss from the experts.

Hearing Loss Education

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Talking to Your Parents About Hearing Loss

August 25, 2018

3 min read

It's not easy to talk to your parents about hearing loss. They may not want to admit they are having difficulty hearing, but it's important you are there for them and keep them healthy. Here are some tips for talking to your parents about hearing loss and hearing aids.

Audicus Hearing Aid & Audiology Blog

Fashion hearing aid

It's Time for Fashionable Hearing Aids

June 20, 2018

3 min read

Where are all the fashionable hearing aids? Gone are the days of the beige banana--while hearing aids are getting smaller, many people still want to be able to wear fun and funky hearing aids as a fashion statement. We've collected some of our favorite couture hearing aids here!