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Hearing Test
February 20, 2023
7 min read
Why is it that you can hear but can't make out the words being said? Hearing aids help with speech recognition and understanding.
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October 9, 2014
3 min read
Audicus explains hearing aid telecoils: what they are, how they work to prevent hearing aid whistling, and how they can improve your hearing aid experience.
Earworms are the mysterious phenomenon of having a song stuck in your head. Audicus explains why they happen and how they are a part of the hearing lifestyle.
If you're a NYPD police officer with a hearing aid, it could now cost you your job. Hearing aids should be tools of empowerment, not discrimination.
2 min read
Audicus discusses five ways to keep your ears healthy and your hearing intact. A few measures can help keep your hearing in tip-top shape.
October 8, 2014
Audicus explores nine interesting facts about hearing and other ear facts. We also explore how those interesting hearing facts relate to hearing loss.
Audicus highlights nine hearing aid ads and hearing aid advertising campaigns that talk about hearing loss and hearing aids.
Digital hearing aids can be small and invisible. Audicus discusses how to be confident with a hearing aid and talks about bullying.
Only 25 percent of people with hearing loss wear hearing aids. Audicus explores the reasons, including that people need affordable and invisible hearing aids.
Audicus discusses how various species hear and how that could influence hearing aid technology. A paw-fect read for animal lovers.
Innovations in the hearing aid industry, such as the rise of affordable hearing aids and online hearing aids (promoted by Audicus) are highlighted in the press.
Digital hearing aids are delicate and highly engineered machines, miraculously compact and effective, including a microphone, processor, and amplifier.
Audicus discusses ways in which people with hearing aids and guests and hosts interacting with hearing-impaired people can make holiday interactions easier.
Audicus discusses some travel tips that people with hearing loss and hearing aids can use to make their travels go smoothly.
A busy urban street can be at 90 dB, the same level as a Boeing 737 one mile before landing. Here's your urban hearing risk.
Audicus discusses the eighth cranial nerve, called the vestibulocochlear or auditory nerve, which also has a branch that controls balance.
Is having an ear for music genetic or an acquired skill? Scientists are discovering new information about the way humans hear music, with interesting findings.
By converting objects into auditory counterparts, blind subjects in a study conducted by The Hebrew University were able to “see” the objects through sound.
Marvel Comics and American Girl Doll create toys with hearing aids to inspire confidence and understanding in children with hearing aids and hearing loss.