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Hearing Test
February 20, 2023
7 min read
Why is it that you can hear but can't make out the words being said? Hearing aids help with speech recognition and understanding.
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August 27, 2022
4 min read
6 hearing loss apps and hearing test apps that notify you when a noise is too loud, let you experience what it's like to have hearing loss, and more.
August 26, 2022
3 min read
Did you know that mild hearing loss begins at a loss of 26 decibels (dB)? Here is a list of ten common sounds that you could be missing due to hearing loss.
In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, this blog post pays homage to civil rights. This week, we focus on civil rights for people with hearing impairments.
Hearing aids are protected when they are dry, safe, and not too warm or cold. Audicus discusses the best places to store your hearing aids and where to avoid.
August 25, 2022
Audicus presents our list of top ten hobbies and activities that keep your ears and your brain as sharp as possible, as you move into your golden years!
What makes hearing aids work? One of the most crucial elements is the microphone, and a directional microphone can vastly improve your hearing experience. Learn more about directional microphones here!
August 24, 2022
2 min read
Audicus discusses the research and possibilities for a future cure for hearing loss. Here's where hearing is headed in the future.
August 23, 2022
Millions of Canadians suffer from hearing loss, just like Americans. Hearing aids in Canada are sometimes covered by state healthcare but can be just as costly as in the US. Audicus looks at the cost of hearing aids in Canada.
August 22, 2022
Oh no - your hearing aids got wet! There are plenty of ways to dry your hearing aids using a hearing aid dryer, so don’t panic!
August 21, 2022
11 min read
Should you purchase your next hearing aids from Nano? See how Nano hearing aids stack up against other products.
May people are wondering: does Medicare cover hearing aids? Learn more about the extent of Medicare coverage and what other options are available for you.
The noise levels of everyday sounds can be surprising. Some sounds that are too loud might warrant a need for digital hearing aids. Learn more here.
August 20, 2022
It's the time of year when we either get excited at the hope of a return or dread a payment. Read this blog to find out when seniors can stop filing taxes.
August 18, 2022
There is no cure for hearing loss currently available, but the future is looking bright! Learn more about research and hearing loss in this blog.
The best hearing aid accessories focus on three factors: cost, function, and quality. Find out which hearing aid accessory is right for you.
The NFL has a surprising hearing aid history. Players are known for using makeshift hearing aids to improve their hearing ability on the field.
August 13, 2022
Hearing aids can improve your life immensely but devices can cost up to several thousand dollars per ear. We break downpayment plan options.
Find out what opportunities you can take advantage of while carrying your hearing aids! And of course, always travel safely!